Thursday, 6 August 2015

Home tips to cure thyroid

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Home Remedies for Thyroid Disease
By Krishan Bakhru | Womens Health | Rating:
The only real treatment for thyroid disease, whether hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or any other condition of thyroid gland, is cleansing of the system and adoption of a rational diet thereafter, combined with adequate rest and relaxation. To begin with, juices of fruits such as orange, apple, pineapple, and grapes may be taken every two or three hours from 8 am to 8 pm for five days. The bowels should be cleaned daily with lukewarm water.
After the juice fast, the patient may spend further three days on fruits and milk, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits such as apple, pineapple, grapes, papaya, with a glass of milk, at five hourly intervals. Thereafter, the patient may adopt a well-balanced diet consisting of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits.
The patient should take plenty of rest and spend a day in bed every week for the first two months of the treatment. More and more exercise should be taken after the symptoms subside.
The appetite of the thyroid patient is usually very large and the weight reduction cannot be prevented for some time. This is because until the heart beat slows down and the tremors stop, there will be incomplete assimilation of good.
But as soon as the balance is restored, weight will slowly increase. To help the absorption of food, a narrow waist compress and, later, a neck compress should be worn for five nights a week. As weight increases, the almost constant hunger will gradually disappear, on no account should any stimulants be administered to create an appetite.
Certain foods and fluids are extremely injurious for thyroid patients and should be avoided by them. These include white flour products, white sugar, flesh foods, fried or greasy foods, preserves, condiments, tea, coffee and alcohol.
No drugs should be taken as they cause irritation in the tissues. Iodine is undoubtedly most helpful in many cases, but it should be introduced in organic form all foods containing iodine should be taken liberally. These are asparagus, cabbage, garlic, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress and strawberries.
Great care must be taken never to allow the body to become exhausted and any irritation likely to cause emotional upset should be avoided. The cure of thyroid disease is not a speedy one and there is often a recurrence of symptoms but these should gradually become less pronounced. Strict adherence to diet is essential for complete cure.
Half the daily intake of food should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables and the starch element should be confined to whole wheat products and potatoes. Potatoes are the most valuable form of starch. They should preferably be taken in their jackets. The protein foods should be confined to cheese, peas, beans lentils and nuts. All fresh proteins must be avoided.
The diet outlined here should be strictly adhered to for a year and the compresses on neck and waist applied for five consecutive nights in a week for two months and discontinued for one month. Water treatments should be taken to increase skin elimination. Application of sponge to the entire body before retiring and a cold sponge on rising will be very helpful. It is most important that the bowels are kept working efficiently to avoid danger of a toxic condition of the blood arising from that source.
All efforts should be made to prevent emotional stress. There may be slight recurrence of this extremely nervous complain for some times, but the attacks will become less severe and of shorter duration as the treatment progresses. And above all, there must be no lessening of the patient's efforts to help himself because success can only be attained by assiduous efforts.

Krishan Bakhru

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  • Comment #1 (Posted by Rajah)
    Wonderful article. I found it more useful. Going to tell my friends and relatives. It should reach maximum people. If the article can be able to print or download means, I will be more greatful. Because I cannot take the affected people to internet to show the article. It should reach the common people. Regards, Rajah.
  • Comment #2 (Posted by an unknown user)
    I feel that Krishan Bakhru is right on track. Thank you for the great article.
  • Comment #3 (Posted by Swati)
    A very useful article!
  • Comment #4 (Posted by Shridevi)
    You have mentioned only about weight reduction but weight must be observed if we have hypo: weight keeps increasing where as in hyper weight goes on reducing. For both treatment varies. Please consider this point.
  • Comment #5 (Posted by Raghu)
    Excellent article! Thanks for posting such a nice article. When a print is taken, it is in very small font; it would be better if the font-size is increased.
  • Comment #6 (Posted by renuga)
    Superb articles. I clearned my doubts. Thank you!
  • Comment #7 (Posted by sam)
    This is very poor, as a person who suffers hyper & graves, if people read this, some of the stuff thats in it WILL make them sick and have goiter and heart palpaatations etc. For one the title thyroid disease, well lets see I can think of so many combinations that could be and every single one needs a different diet! Some of this stuff listed on here would land people in hospital! People need to go on disease names theres a massive difference between hypo and hyper with foods, as well as graves hashimotos etc.
  • Comment #8 (Posted by Preetee)
    The above article is very good. The only question I have hanging over my head is - is the article refering to natural treatment for hyperThyroid or underfunction of the Thyroid gland. I, myself suffer from underfunction and was keen to know of the natural cures for the same. If you could kindly specify? Regards!
  • Comment #9 (Posted by MADHUSUDAN)
  • Comment #10 (Posted by Rajesh)
  • Comment #11 (Posted by nix)
    A great article, though it sometimes felt as if the article began with other persons and this was a follow up. I'd recommend it to others AFTER I have tried the suggestions.
  • Comment #12 (Posted by Baudelia)
    Well, is nice to know about home remedies too besides taking traditional medicine... although maybe both can be combined... thanks!
  • Comment #13 (Posted by Jesse)
    I agree with Sam, comment seven; this article is not very specific for the variety of thyroid disorders that are out there. In particular, I have an autoimmune thyroid issue that has not developed enough to need medical intervention, and my personal research to help it stay minor has taught me to AVOID iodine as much as possible for my particular thyroid issue. This is very broad and I am disappointed.
  • Comment #14 (Posted by Sultana)
    Very helpful
  • Comment #15 (Posted by James)
    Potentially damaging article as it does not differentiate between the different thyroid conditions - for example advocating that eating cabbage and strawberries is good, is terrible advice for a hypothyroid patient, as these are two of the foods to be avoided as they are goitrogens. Yes one can help a thyroid condition by eating/avoiding certain foods, but following this article's regime could be very detrimental to the health.
  • Comment #16 (Posted by Chinnu)
    Cabbage & potato should not be used for Thyroid patients.
  • Comment #17 (Posted by Rosali)
    Thanks for sharing this information. Apart from the dietary aspect of thyroid disorder I would like to throw a light on the treatment part using combination of ayurvedic herbs and homoeopathic remedies. These remedies work in the following ways: Dietary supplement formulas provide specific and necessary nutrition to the cells of the Thyroid gland, Ayurvedic remedies and herbs work to balance the manifestations of 5 elements that govern all functions of your body and homeopathics remind your body of optimal or pathogenic function, thereby coaxing it to adapt and reach homeostasis.

    Frequently used remedies are Hypothyrodease formula, Hyperthyrodease formula and Goitease Formula.
  • Comment #18 (Posted by an unknown user)
    There is absolutely no scientific background to this article. Thyroid problems are not treated the same and can be life threatening if not felt with properly.
  • Comment #19 (Posted by Meredith)
    This article may hold some merit, but diet alone is not enough to treat a person suffering from thyroid disease. Thyroid disease is based around the fact that the thyroid gland is either producing too much or not enough of thyroid hormone. Diet will not change this. It is a medical condition and should be treated as such. Your health should be taken seriously and if you suspect you may have thyroid disease, please consult your doctor as I guarantee that he/she will be the most informed person on this topic having spent years of intense study trying to learn everything they need to know to come up with the best treatment.
  • Comment #20 (Posted by Laila)
    It's a wonderful article, sounds effective too. But being a housewife and totally busy throughout the day with 3 kids, taking rest for longer period of time is not possible.
  • Comment #21 (Posted by Haddy)
    It is really nicely expressed topic and will surely help all people suffering from this diseases.
  • Comment #22 (Posted by Christy)
    This article did not have enough detail in some areas and did not take into consideration that each type of thyroid disorder requires different treatment. There were some good points - you do need to support a healthy elimination system and digestive system. But you also must nurture yourself wisely not cause extra stress. You must support your whole being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We are energetic beings and need to respect the full interconnectedness.
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